Church Life
At Gardenmore we take WORSHIPPING JESUS seriously. Our services on Sundays, along with many of our organisations, help us to glorify and enjoy God by FOLLOWING JESUS. We are a reformed and theologically conservative congregation made up of people who love expository Bible teaching and blended worship. If you require any more information about our services or organisations please contact us.
Sunday Services
Our congregation meets at 11.00 am and 6.30 pm for worship each Sunday. We have a time of prayer in our church halls, 30 minutes prior to each service. We occasionally hold our evening services at different locations within our community so please check our weekly news sheet for up to date information.
Every Sunday morning a crèche is provided by volunteers from the church family, for all preschool children to allow parents / carers to attend morning worship in the church. The crèche room is situated on the ground floor of the halls behind the church building and provides a safe and welcoming environment for all babies and toddlers
Sunday School
Sunday School
Our Sunday School is open to all primary school aged children. We encourage families to worship together for the first 20 minutes of the morning service before the children leave for their age specific groups which meet in our halls for the remainder of the service.
Thrive Youth Fellowship
Thrive is youth fellowship for young people of secondary school age. We meet on a Sunday morning at 10am to have breakfast together and delve into God’s word before joining the rest of the Church family for morning Sunday worship. This year (2022-23) we have been reading through Philippians together in depth and been inspired by Paul’s example of how he dedicated his life to Christ’s ministry even when it was challenging.
We have had various weekends away over the years where we have been able to have a lot of fun whilst also learning more about God and deepening the friendships within the group.
We love to play games specifically “hoopy loopy” and “big Bucky”.
We are always open to more young people coming along, even if they’ve never been before!
Sunday Club
Sunday Club (Special Needs Sunday School)
Our Sunday Club meets on the 1st Sunday of each month in the church halls from 3.00 pm. This is open to children of any age who have special educational needs and their parents or carers.
Tea and Coffee
Tea and Coffee
On Sunday morning we regularly have over 110 members, with well over half remaining for tea and coffee after the service. This is a time when members connect and discover what it going in each other’s lives and pray for one another. Newcomers are encouraged to stay after worship providing us with an opportunity to welcome them and to get know them.
Youth Organisations
Girls’ Brigade
Girls’ Brigade
Our Girls’ Brigade Company meets in our church halls on Thursday evenings. The Explorers (3 to 8 years) meet from 6.00 pm to 7.10 pm. The Company (8 years +) meets from 7.30 pm to 9.00 pm. New members are always welcome.
Holiday Bible Club
Holiday Bible Club
Junior Praise Group
Junior Praise Group
Our Junior Praise Group is made up of upper primary and secondary aged young people. They meet at various times of the year to practice for leading worship and singing at special events. New members are always welcome.
Toddlers, Parents & Friends
Toddlers, Parents & Friends
Our Toddlers, Parents & Friends group meets in our church halls on Tuesday mornings between 10.30 am and 12.30 pm. The organisation is open to any preschool aged children along with their parents/carers and friends. New members are always welcome.
Youth Club
Youth Club
Our Youth Club meets in our church halls on Friday evenings from 7.00 pm to 9.00 pm. The club is open to young people in year 6 and upwards. New members are always welcome.
Adult Organisations
Bowling Club
Bowling Club
Our Indoor Bowling Club meets in the church halls on Tuesday evenings at 7.30 pm. New members are always welcome.
Busy Hands Craft Group
Busy Hands Craft Group
Busy Hands crafting group is a lovely friendly little gathering and we invite anyone who would like to come along to try something new, whether skilled or just enthusiastic, to join in our fun and fellowship while we try out some new and favourite crafts. There’s card making, knitting, crocheting, flower arranging, sewing, painting, cooking and much more!
We also enjoy making various crafts for the Christmas fayre and trying out some new ideas to raise funds for the Church.
We meet every Thursday morning in the church halls from 10.30 -12.30, so come along, join in and see what it’s all about
Church Choir
Church Choir
Our Church Choir sings God’s praise in worship at our Sunday morning services as well as giving special seasonal performances. The choir meets to practice in our church halls on Tuesday evenings between 7.30 pm and 9.00 pm. New members are always welcome.
Friends Together
Friends Together
Friends Together is the organisation for senior people in our congregation and community. It has a wide and varied programme and meets in our church halls on the 4th Wednesday of each month from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm. New members are always welcome.
Home Groups
Home Groups
Our congregation currently has four Home Groups meeting at different times of the day and week in different members’ homes in the wider Larne area. Our Home Groups meet on the 2nd and 4th weeks of each month to study the Bible, pray and have refreshments and fellowship together. New members are always welcome.
Men’s Fellowship
Men’s Fellowship
Our Men’s Fellowship meets on Thursdays mornings in the church halls between 10.30 am and 12:00 noon. They play bowls, pool, dominoes etc. and enjoy fellowship and refreshments. New members are always welcome.
Music Group
Music Group
Our Music Group is made up of musicians of varying ages and ability. They meet at various times of the year to practice for playing during worship and at special events. New members are always welcome.
Praise Group
Praise Group
Our Praise Group is a group of singers who meet at various times of the year to practice for leading worship and singing at special events. New members are always welcome.
Presbyterian Women
Presbyterian Women
Our PW meets between 8:00 pm and 9.30 pm on the 3rd Monday of each month in our church halls. There is a varied programme with guest speakers in an atmosphere of warm Christian fellowship and friendship. New members are always welcome.
The Meal Train
The Meal Train
One example of how we have sought to reach out to our community in practical ways is using the ‘Meal Train’. This is a service offered by a team of ladies from the congregation where meals are provided for those who could use some help during common life events, eg illness, surgery, bereavement or those who have had a new baby. The members of the team use an online webpage to record the meals (when and what) they are supplying and others can see this so duplication is avoided and the load is evenly shared. Feedback on this ministry has been extremely positive.
Walking Group
Walking Group
Our Walking Group meets regularly throughout the year. Up to date information about future walks will be published in our weekly news sheet.
Women’s Breakfast